Massage can be especially helpful for the problems that most people experience as they grow older. Gentle massage can be used to soothe conditions such as muscle stiffness and soreness, loss of flexibility, arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, and help with respiratory disorders such as asthma and emphysema.
In addition, it has been found that for many elderly people, massage provides the sense of nurturing that comes from being gently and respectfully touched. Elderly people with Alzheimer's or who have had a stroke and find it hard to communicate verbally benefit greatly from massage.
Very frail or modest clients can benefit just as much from a foot, hand or neck and shoulder massage whilst seated rather than the need to get on a couch.
Massage can be a very enjoyable and extremely relaxing experience, and there are numerous healthy benefits that can be gained from this treatment. Whether it be physiotherapy, massage, sports injury or anything else, we can help.
Regular massage will help you maintain a healthier body, prevent injuries, restore mobility to injured muscle tissue, and boost your performance.
Not only can Remedial Massage help to heal an injury, but it is also extremely useful in preventing the injury from occurring in the first place. This is done by using specialised massage techniques to manipulate the soft tissues of the body.
Contact the leading Physiotherapy, Sports Injury and
Wellness Clinic in Amber Valley to find out more.